In a heartbreaking incident at Momence High School in Illinois, 14-year-old Amari Crite, a ninth-grade girls’ basketball player, collapsed and tragically lost her life on Thursday during a home game. The devastating news has left the community in shock, prompting an outpouring of support for Amari’s family and friends.
Momence School District Superintendent Shannon Anderson expressed deep sorrow in a statement, confirming the passing of the young student and extending condolences to the affected family and friends. The district’s primary focus is on providing support to the community as they cope with this tragic loss.
Amari’s family, in the face of unimaginable grief, has created a GoFundMe to seek assistance during this difficult time. The fundraiser aims to give Amari the proper homegoing she deserves, reflecting the love and support of those who want to contribute.
The incident occurred during a basketball game, highlighting the unpredictable nature of such tragedies. Grief counselors were immediately made available at Momence High School on Friday to help students process the loss of their classmate. The entire community, including the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Office, has shared their condolences and stands in solidarity with the Momence School District during this difficult time.
As the community grapples with the sudden and devastating loss of Amari Crite, the resilience and support of the community are evident.
The tragic incident serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of coming together to provide comfort and strength in times of sorrow. The thoughts and prayers of the community are with Amari’s family, friends, and classmates as they navigate this profound loss.