James Matthews Obituary, Death – The demise of James “Jimmy” Darrell Matthews is something that we bring to your attention with a great deal of sorrow. On the evening of Thursday, January 25, 2024, Jimmy, who had reached the age of 45 with his passing, passed away.
He was the cherished son of Darrell and Diana Matthews, who both passed away, at Springhill, where he was born. In the annals of history, Jimmy will be known for his contagious laughter and his remarkable ability to impart joy to those who were in his immediate vicinity.
Jimmy’s enthusiasm for repairing tiny engines was matched by his exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to the art she was pursuing. When he was outside, he enjoyed activities such as motorcycling, hunting, and camping. His sense of adventure flourished in the vast outdoors.
Jimmy’s favourite things to do were to have a good time, listen to music, and make other people laugh as he was creating memories with his family and friends that would last a lifetime. His charismatic presence left an indelible impression on each and every person who had the good fortune to have become acquainted with him.
Despite the fact that he has left behind an irreplaceable void, the unending love and laughter that he shared will continue to reverberate with his partner Tracy MacDonald, his sister Tara Matthews, his niece Christiane Trimm, and a great number of other members of his family and close friends.
The cousins Kenneth “Sonny” Matthews and Mitchell St. Peter, in addition to a large number of other aunts, uncles, and cousins, are considered to be among his very close relatives. Jimmy’s grandparents, Harold and Catherine Boyce and Chester and Evelyn Matthews, as well as a large number of other significant family members and friends, passed away before him. In addition to his loving parents, Jimmy was also succeeded in death by his grandparents.