Dallas Food Truck Owner Suffers Burns in Hit-and-Run Crash, Police Search for Suspect

Dallas Food Truck Owner Suffers Burns in Hit-and-Run Crash, Police Search for Suspect

In a shocking incident that has rocked the Dallas community, police are on the hunt for the driver responsible for a hit-and-run crash that left a local food truck owner with severe burns. The crash, involving a Dodge Charger and the food truck Tacos Caita, occurred on the evening of February 18 in Downtown Dallas, causing not only physical harm but also threatening the livelihood of a family-owned business.

A Night of Tragedy

The incident unfolded as Ivan Licea, co-owner of Tacos Caita and a single father of three, was conducting business with two other employees. Witnesses reported that the black Charger was driving recklessly before it crashed into the side of the food truck parked at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Olive Street. The impact was so severe that it knocked Licea unconscious and resulted in second-degree burns from boiling hot water spilling over his body.

The Aftermath

The driver of the Charger fled the scene, leaving behind the car’s bumper but taking no responsibility for the havoc caused. Customers and bystanders quickly gathered, providing photos and video evidence to the authorities. Meanwhile, Licea was rushed to a local hospital, where he has been receiving treatment for his burns at Parkland’s Burn Unit. His two co-workers sustained minor injuries in the crash.

A Dream in Peril

Tacos Caita was born out of Licea’s desire to honor his late wife, who dreamt of owning a restaurant before she passed away from colon cancer. Investing his savings into the food truck, Licea aimed to keep her memory alive while providing for their children. The hit-and-run crash has not only inflicted physical injuries but also jeopardized the future of his nascent venture, which he started just six months ago.

A Call for Justice

As Licea recovers from his injuries, the Dallas Police Department is diligently working to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for this cowardly act. The community has rallied around Licea and his family, offering support and calling for justice for the reckless endangerment of lives and the destruction of a dream inspired by love and dedication.

How to Help

The Dallas Police Department urges anyone with information regarding the hit-and-run incident or the whereabouts of the Dodge Charger and its occupants to come forward. Tips can be submitted anonymously, with the hope that those responsible will be held accountable for their actions. In the meantime, the community continues to show solidarity with Licea, highlighting the resilience and compassion that define the city of Dallas.

As Ivan Licea faces the long road to recovery, both physically and financially, his story serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of reckless driving and the importance of community support in times of crisis.

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